Wednesday, January 2, 2008

Sneddy Christmas Vacation

Wow, what a great Christmas we had together with our little family. On Christmas Eve, we plotted out a drive to visit some amazing houses decorated and set to music through a radio station. Some of the houses we saw made Sparky's house (National Lampoon) look like child's play. Fun! We ended our evening with a family slumber party (Alyssa wasn't invited) in mom and dad's room. We did get a little bit of sleep... Christmas morning we a woke to a beautiful blanket of snow and it snowed ALL DAY LONG! We had lots of yummy food and stayed in our PJ's all day. What a relaxing way to enjoy celebrating!

1 comment:

Kristin said...

Wow, you really are still alive! For a while there we wondered if you were buried alive under all that snow. It looks like you had a great white Christmas! It's so fun to see the kids enjoying all their gifts! Aaron loved the matching hats, Jordan! And finally a picture with a hint of the baby belly, Jen! So cute! Keep them coming! Love you guys!