Sunday, October 26, 2008

Introducing Cameron and Christian Jenkins

Yeah! Everyone arrived healthy and happy! My brother Nate and his wife Karen are the proud new parents of #6 and 7 to their household, Cameron and Christian. They were born Oct. 13th, at 9:36 and 9:38 p.m. Cam was 6 lbs. and 17.5 in. and Christian weighed 6 lbs. 3 oz and was 18.5 in. We are so excited to go to Washington for Thanksgiving to meet them. And it gets better, because by then we will have yet another nephew to meet! Kristin's 4th boy is due in just a week or so. But I don't want to get ahead of myself so without further adieu--- tada! (Now, doesn't this just make you want twins of your own???)


Lyndsay said...

AWWWWWWWWW....So adorable!!!Congrats Nate.

Shannon said...

Oh they are yummy! Doesn't make me want anymore of my own, but I do want to snuggle with those two! They are so cute Jenny!

sarah said...

It almost does make me want twins. But then I come to my senses :)

Dave and Candace said...

I love that picture! Um . . . maybe I'll ask Dave the twin question before I tell you if I want twins of my own!

Julie said...

They are super sweet, but it doesn't make me want my own twins. Another "single" baby, I would eat it up. But twins, no thanks!

Steph said...

Ummm yes. Just don't tell Steve...

Cheeky Kitchen said...

What an adorable picture. Twins are nice. Nice. Nice.

THANK YOU for finding me! I'm so glad we can now keep in touch via blog! I adore you entirely.

XOXO to your dear children, hubby, and self.

Angie said...

Thanks for the hugs! I was so glad to hear from you! It was a nice surprise! :) I love blogs, it's such a fun way to keep in touch with family and friends.

I can't believe how much the kiddos have grown, and they are so handsome, beautiful, and adorable! What you moved to Utah??? So what took you there?

Well we wanted to send some "HUGS" back your way from Colorado. I'm sooo glad we get to keep in touch. Say "hi" to Jordan from us too.

tiff snedaker said...

Love the picture, it's so sweet! Hey Jenny, could I get your address? I'm having a Scentsy openhouse and wanted to invite you. You can e-mail me at

Dillard Family said...

The twins are adorable. Tell Nate Congratulations! Thanksgiving is going to be a blast this year. I wish I could come and see everyone. Give your fam a squeeze for me. I miss you!

Heather said...

I just noticed it has been over a year since your last post. Does that mean you are officially out of the blogging game? I hope not... I love keeping in touch that way...

J and J said...

Not out, just on hiatus. More posting to come, I promise!!!